quiet light brokerage

Earn Up to $4,000 per Sale - You Just Send Referrals

The Affiliate Process: How You Earn Money

Affiliate Program FAQ's

Register as an Affiliate

How many affiliate programs do you know of that will pay you up to $4,000 per sale?

Quiet Light Brokerage is introducing a revolutionary affiliate program that gives you the unique ability to earn high commissions - and all you need to do is to send people our way who want to sell their website or online business. The affiliate process is quite simple:

You send a person to us who wants to sell their website
When that person hires us as their business broker, they become your referral
As soon as we find a buyer for the listed website, you earn a HUGE commission (up to $4,000)
How Much Can I Earn?
As an affiliate of Quiet Light Brokerage, you will be paid 1% of the final sale price of any business listed with us. So if a business hires us as their broker to sell their website for $100,000, upon completion of the sale you will be paid $1,000.

Final Sales Price Our Fee Your Commission
Ex 1 $100,000 $10,000 $1,000
Ex 2 $250,000 $25,000 $2,500
Ex 3 $500,000 $50,000 $5,000
Ex 4 $750,000 $75,000 $7,500
Ex 5 $1,000,000 $100,000 $10,000

A Surprisingly Simple Way to Earn Big Commissions
Many times high commission affiliate programs are difficult to turn a profit with - after all, a high commission requires that a relatively large price be paid. However, with Quiet Light Brokerage, since we don't charge our clients any money upfront, it becomes surprisingly easy for you to gain referrals and thus gain large commissions.

Why not give us a try for a while - you may be surprised at just how easy it is to earn up to $4,000!

blogarama - the blog directory